Re-boot your operating system.

Our Operating System is a stand-alone self-development solution that will provide you with a deep connection as to how you're currently operating as a manager and where you would like to operate through a detailed questionnaire. A 90 minute one to one debrief and coaching session will enable to explore your results and consider new possibilities for you as a manager going forward.

Why it works.


Growing your knowledge, skill and expertise as a leader is critical. It allows you to make better decisions, meet objectives, improve motivation, influence culture, enhance efficiency and deliver results. The impact this can also have on your team is huge, adopting best practise as a manager allows you to engage and empower them and develop top talent. However, as with a computer; by downloading more and more software without upgrading your operating system - it starts to slow you down. Instead of making you more effective as a leader, it will actually inhibit your functionality and impact on your performance.


Your Operating System.

The Operating System in a computer manages the hardware, software and RAM (random-access memory); it’s what makes it work. Similarly, how you show up as a person and behave as a leader (your hardware) is based on your memories, values, beliefs and thoughts (your software and memory). And so, to lead in a VUCA world you need reboot and ‘upgrade’ your Operating System by expanding your awareness and increasing your consciousness. This will enable you to understand why you react to certain circumstances and in doing so, empower you to make more intentional choices about how you want to respond as a person and leader.

Our Mindset.

Access to new information and research has never been easier, but as a leader in a VUCA world, we need to move beyond just simply acquiring new information. Instead, we need to expand our mindset and develop new ways of thinking to allow us to be more agile, flexible and adaptable. The focus must move to how we think, rather than what we know. Working with mindset allows us to explore our perception of the world, the stories we tell ourselves and what impact that may be having. This moves us from a Fixed Mindset, to a Growth Mindset.

The Process.

  • Questionnaire

    Complete 60, carefully designed questions, so we can identify where you’re currently operating as a manager.

  • Results

    Receive your results and our detailed breakdown report to help you understand exactly what these results means for you.

  • Unpack

    Unpack your results in a 90 minute session with a specialised operating system coach and find out how you want to move forward and where you want to be consciously operating from.

Our sessions can either be IN PERSON - stand alone, or VIRTUAL  - part of a blended virtual programme.

Our sessions can either be IN PERSON - stand alone, or VIRTUAL - part of a blended virtual programme.

“exploring my operating system offered me a good opportunity to understand my behaviour more clearly and in an unbiased way. I became more agile in managing my own behaviour and way of thinking.”

Dicle Capkin - JTI